Thursday, November 1, 2012


My little Angel,
You are getting so big so fast..
You are now 9 months old:(
You say Mama, Dada, and Baba..You said Dada first
Its really cute too when your dad is on the computer you call him Dada and get so excited and you get a huge smile on your face.
You are walking along the furniture now and you are trying so hard to walk.
I don't want you to walk before your dad gets home!!!
You are spoiled rotten and you love it.
You still wake up through the night, but now its usually only once..finally.
You wake me up in the morning standing in your crib like LET ME OUTTA HERE! 
You still eat everything you can find on the ground so I'm constantly feeding you so you don't eat what you find.
You love to pick on your brother. Its so funny. Now that you can crawl around the house, you chase him everywhere.
He picks on you and you already scream at him.
You have the funniest looks.
I never knew a baby to be so animated with their facial features.
Your usually giving dirty looks and when a stranger smiles at you, you look at them like how dare they.. its kinda funny.
Your Nana visited this past week and you loved spending time with her.
She bought you your lots of goodies:)
Your dad got mad at her for feeding you a french fry.
I love you so much and I hate that your growing to fast.
Your Dad is coming home soon..
I am so excited !!!
We will all be a family again soon:)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Older Journal Entries


My little Lovanie Lynnae

My angel  baby,
You are getting so big already and this letter is a little late.
But you are finally here.
You are so beautiful. More than I could have ever imagined
You were born in Tucson, AZ
Your daddy was able to come home for a little less than a month to spend time with your brother and I before he had to go back home to Italy. He is stationed in Vicenza, Italy. Your daddy has been there since July 2011..almost a year now.
He missed my whole pregnancy with you…which was kind of ok because he only had to deal with me being pregnant and emotional through letters;).
We would write letters every day and I would send him lots of pictures..I think that helped.
Your brother and I lived at Grammas house… until you were born.
We were supposed to meet your daddy in Italy and live with him..but we got stuck in the states.I was hoping and we were both planning on being there ..all together before you were born..but it didn’t work out that way:(   
All of our stuff is there..your crib and bouncer and baby stuff..all the toys
Im just glad your daddy got to come home to be here in the hospital with me when I had was funny because when he left for basic training I was all cute and little..and he comes back and sees me..
I'm  9 months preggo and uncomfortable and ready to not was funny
We tried almost everything… that was healthy…to get you to come early..your due date was January 20..the same as your brothers due date….
But your dad had to go back from maternity leave January 18th..
So we walked everyday..we went to Mt.Lemon hoping the altitude would help..we walked some more and whatever else someone suggested..
I refused to be induced..I told your dad I didn’t care if he was here or not
Then…the 18th was getting closer and I wanted your daddy to be able to see your beautiful face..and hold you ..and kiss you..
I actually had to go into the hospital  the week before you were born.. they said I had high blood pressure..which was easy to believe…they were going to induce me if my tests didn’t change and my pressure didn’t go down..also because I was 3 cm dilated. We were all for sure you were coming..but nope..nothing..
So finally the next doctors visit I asked what my options were because I didn’t want you to miss your time with your my doctor you want her to be here Friday the 13th? Or Martin Luther king day?
 So Friday the 13th it was…plus it gave more time for your dad to be with you and me to heal.
So here you came …Friday, January 13th 2012.. 0744pm 
We had been there all day. Just your dad and I.. talking and your dad feeding me sherbet that got me in trouble..hahha.. I was so mad because your dad was eating gourmet hospital food..which you’d realize if you ever go to the hospital..its crap..
But when you’re 9 months pregnant, haven’t ate since the day before, and they tell you that can have ice chips or broth or generic jello...
That Whatever salad or mac and cheese your dad is eating..he’s going to wish he hadn’t later..kidding..
Your uncle Courtney and Gramma came to the hospital..and Grandpa..Aunt Amber came to see you as soon as you got home.
I didn’t want many visitors and wanted it to be nice and peaceful for you.
Your daddy never put you down..unless someone stole you from him..He changed all your first diapers and the only thing I ever did was feed you..then it was back to daddy as soon as you were full.
Your brother came to the hospital and he loved you from the minute he saw you..he always did..even when I was pregnant he'd rub my belly and feel you move and you always kicked guys would fight when I slept next to him..he always told me and gramma he was going to take care of you..
And never once has he been mean to you..yet;) he wipes your face and says that your not happy whenever you cry..
He tells you your beautiful all the time and when your daddy dressed you for the first time in your little dress..he said awww you look beautiful baby..and told your dad and I that he wanted to dance with you. He tells you he loves you all the’s so sweet and he gives you kisses and gets so excited now that you grab his’s all so precious
You came home and you were very healthy of slept all the never cry..and even through the night you only woke up twice to feed..the first night was tough because I didn’t remember how much work newborn babies are and how everything went..but I got the hang of it fast..
Everyone thought you were so cute..with red hair..I never thought it was red..but whatever;)
Madison and Connor came to see you at grammas and brought some presents..
Your daddy had to go home and it was the most depressing thing slept the whole airport scene.. But it was really hard on your brother and of course me..we all cried..gramma too
So now we live in Scottsdale, AZ I moved to have a change of scenery. Tucson was depressing me..
We stayed with your aunt for a little bit..but I needed our own space.
We have a nice little apartment ..that was a nightmare finding..but we found it..
Your brother has his own room and you and I sleep in your swing..we have no furniture..nothing but some things your aunt  gave us..and thank god we have carpet..since that’s where I am all the time;)
Your daddy got to come home for 2 weeks and your gramma came to visit us too this past week.
It was really nice.
You smile allll the time and you loved when your daddy was would smile and talk to him and giggle.. I tried so hard to get you to say dada before he left..but you’re so tiny still..but I tried.
You don’t like to be held very much.
You like to just lay around and be by yourself and of course eat all the time.
You never cry much. And you yell for me when you can’t find’re growing so fast so quick.
We talk to your daddy on Skype all the time and it seems to help..
You’re very talkative and you make so many faces..your daddy wants to put you on the e-trade commercials. Funny
You hug me and that’s my favorite.
Your best friend is the ceiling love it and always look for it
Your eyes are still piercing blue and your hair seems to be getting lighter from when you were’ve always have had a lot of it and its really curly when its wet
You’re always happy.  You’re a very good baby. My angel baby;)
I love you so much
I wish your daddy could be here more with us. But trust me when I say, if he could he would be..

My beautiful princess
Goodmorning beautiful..
You passed out on me already this morning.. you do that. Your schedule is pretty regular. Which is nice. Its easy to work around. Especially with your brother too.
You wake in the morning around 7. Eat and hang out for a little bit. Then you go back to bed at 9am and take a little nap, About an hour, then I do my little work out and eat breakfast and stuff..
Then your up for a while and you take a nap with your brother around 12 or 1 for a couple hours  ..if I'm lucky you guys both take a nap at the same time.. that’s when I usually or try to talk to your dad on skype or take a shower by myself or take a nap with you guys.. like I said.. if I'm Lucky. Your brother is difficult to get to nap..
Then we hang out for the day and your usually in bed for the night at 830 or 9.
You are now in size 2 diapers. I wanted to cry. Your growing so fast so quick.
Your trying so hard to roll over and you laugh and every time you do you get so excited you get hiccups.. its funny.
Your sitting up really nice now.. not completely by yourself but you are almost there.. you lean forward and I have to watch you to make sure you don’t fall.
Still breast feeding
I fall so much in love with you every day. You're so adorable. All you do is talk and now you like to act like you're hungry so that I'll hold you.. its like as long as you're holding on to me and walking around with me your fine.. I set you down and you get whiny..but that’s ok. I don’t want to put you down anyway;)
I love when you're naked. Your so cute.
I like when you have your toes have pretty feet. I love them and play with them all the time. You try and kick me.
I love you so much


Lovanie lynnae..
You rolled over this morning all by yourself!!!! Ohhh how sad you’re growing up so fast already. You can pretty much sit all by yourself. In a couple more weeks you probably will sit up all by yourself perfectly. How exciting.
Your dad is trying so hard to get us money so we can go visit him in Italy. He’s supposed to deploy in June..which is next month. Last night I wrote a letter to some organization, that helps military families, in hope for some answers. Who knows?
I also got my wedding band I’ve been bugging your dad about it forever now. So now its complete.
Any way, back to getting us to Italy. 
Your dad has to take out loans whenever he comes here or if he wants us to go there.. and they're not cheap at all because to fly from Italy to the states is around $1,200 a ticket. And usually the same to get us there except we have to buy your brother's ticket too.
I'm so nervous to fly with you guys..and just to fly. I hate flying. But 22 hours with 2 babies..yeah. I'm not looking forward to it, Only to see your daddy.
Well I got to get some things done around the house and your fussing  for attention.
I love you so much

Little mama
Sooo we never got to go see your daddy. He was really sad. But my court hearing got rescheduled for July 31st
Unfortunately, it’s something that has to be done. 
I miss your dad so much. 
I really do. 
We can Skype now which helps out a lot. But its never enough. 
When you love someone as much as I do your dad.. you want to be around them as much as you possibly can.
 But soon.. we are hoping soon.
 He says he’s not going to be deployed anymore which I argue with him every day because I feel like it’s too good to be true. I also feel bad because I know its something he really wants to experience 
( yeah, I don’t know why either)
I tell him it’s a blessing in disguise.
 He's still trying to get restationed.
So we will find out hopefully in these next couple weeks. 
You’re eating baby cereal now.
 You like it, sometimes. I still think you would much rather just have milk but you eat all the time I feel like you’re starving. But you were starting to look at what your brother and I eat and you would grab at my spoon so I figured I'd give some cereal a try.
 You ate a lot of it.
You are very talkative. 
Your new thing is to blow bubbles all the time and spit.
 You’ve been taking baths with me and you seem to like them much better than the sink, Probably because you get to enjoy them. When you're in the sink it hurts my back so its like I have to wash you and get it over with.
 Your hair is so curly when its wet. Its adorable. Your brother wanted to wash you yesterday. But of course he can’t.
You're still trying to roll over more but you are holding yourself up for much longer now on your tummy.
I love you so much.
 You laugh at your brother all the time, he loves to make you laugh. Its so sweet.



My beautiful little girl,
Happy birthday kind of..
 You are now 6 months old. You are growing so fast. You are more and more beautiful every day. You smile all the time and make sure you talk to everyone.
You roll over with no problems. Always kick your legs and try so hard to crawl. You push yourself up so are so strong.
Your little bottom teeth are starting to poke through you poor thing. I wanted to cry. I just feel like I want you to stay this little forever.
You are still obsessed with baby wipes.
You are such a good baby. Everyone always says how good you are.
You are such a princess. You love attention. Though you don’t like to cuddle much. You would rather sit in your chair or be on the ground than have me hold you.or anyone for that fact.when you are tired you want your bottle and your swing.. then you pass out. You don’t want to be rocked to sleep or anything.
You are sleeping longer now through the night.
You go to bed at 7 and sleep till 630am. You just wait there, No fussing or anything, until I wake up.
I give you a bath most nights. You love your bath. I take a bath with you and then I give you a message. By the time its over you are ready to pass out. But you love it.
You love all the foods I have given you. And you try so hard to eat whatever I'm eating. But of course I don’t let you.
You are completely on formula now, you have been since you were 4 months maybe 4 ½?
Your daddy isn’t home yet.. I miss him so much.
Its really hard sometimes being away from him. Just not being able to see him and talk to him is so hard for me. I get sad when you grow and I feel like your dad is missing out..
I take care of you guys all by myself. Going to the store is tricky. I dislike that the most. But out of everything even going with little sleep and everything else that comes with being a parent.. the hardest thing for me is just missing your dad.
You guys are good babies and I love being your mom. We all got so lucky.
Now if we could just all be together as a family it would be perfect.
 I feel bad for your dad because he tries so hard to just take care of us financially.
He does as much as he can being so far away. I know if he was here he would spoil you rotten.